
Thanks to all of the citizens of the Town of Louisville for providing input on the TDOT project.  Your voice made a difference. Here is a letter from Mayor Pugh to the Region 1 Team thanking them for listening to the voices of our community.

June 12, 2024

Tennessee Department of Transportation

7345 Region Lane

Knoxville, Tennessee 37914

Dear Steve Borden,

I am writing to express my heartfelt gratitude and appreciation for the positive outcome of the recent TDOT project review in Louisville. The decision to keep Topside Road unchanged while incorporating a bike lane on Louisville Road to connect residents to the greenway is a fantastic resolution that reflects the community's needs and desires.

This outcome would not have been possible without the tremendous feedback submitted by our residents. Their dedication to voicing their opinions and concerns played a crucial role in shaping the final plan. It is truly gratifying to see our collective efforts result in a project that balances progress with the preservation of our community's character and infrastructure.

I would like to extend special thanks to Senator Art Swann and Representative Jerome Moon. Their unwavering support and collaboration throughout the process were instrumental in achieving this favorable outcome. They worked with us every step of the way, advocating for our community's best interests and ensuring our voices were heard at every stage.

The inclusion of a bike lane on Louisville Road is particularly exciting as it promotes a healthier, more connected lifestyle for our residents. This addition will provide safe, convenient access to the greenway, encouraging outdoor activities and strengthening our sense of community.

Thank you again for your responsiveness to our feedback and your commitment to enhancing the quality of life in Louisville. We look forward to enjoying the benefits of this thoughtfully planned project and look forward to working with TDOT on other projects in the future.

Jill Pugh

CC: Citizens of the Town of Louisville

Senator Art Swann

Representative Jerome Moon